Is your Easter steeped in traditions? Noah and Emmy are all about making sure we do the same things ever year... and we are happy to oblige.

Saturday Morning: The annual egg hunt and breakfast at Nana and Grandad's... which can't begin without going over the rules first...

I had a hard time capturing any pictures of the hunt because N & E were running around so fast in an effort to find the most eggs. In the end, it was a tie - but Noah found the egg with a dollar in it...

Saturday Night: Mimi & Poppy join us for dinner. This year they also dyed eggs with us - a very serious process...

The kit only comes with ONE wire dipper & do you think I could find all the ones I've saved from years past? I've put them in a very safe place, apparently. We improvised with some wire that Keith had out in the garage. The long handles worked even better than the one that came with the kit. Guess we showed them! ( whoever "them" are - is, hmm..not sure the grammer on that, forgive me)

I've always had a romantic notion that next year I'm going to go with all natural dyes - beet juice, flowers, clay, etc. - but in reality, I wind up at CVS about an hour before it's time to dye eggs praying they still have a PAAS kit left.

Sunday Morning: The Easter Bunny showed up again this year! She/He leaves Noah and Emmy clues that they can only open after finding a certain number of eggs around the house (another romantic notion - egg hunt OUTSIDE. But really? I don't know that it will ever be warm enough for me at Easter for the Bunny to subject us to that).

And what are the clues for, anyway? Leading us to the location of the hidden Easter Baskets, of course!

Success! That sneaky Rabbit! The location was even hidden in Clue #3!

Noah's Closet!

Sunday Evening:

Appetizer: Three veggie dip ( the 3 veggies being asparagus, artichoke and spinach - I'll post the recipe later) and Annie's hoppin' Sangria. Then dinner begins with Dad's Famous Stuffed Artichokes and then : Ham, pineapple souffle, mac & cheese, green bean casserole, broccoli salad...
We eat....

and eat...

And eat.
And for dessert: Molten Lava Cakes with homemade strawberry frozen yogurt (made lowfat to compensate...)

A very decadent ending to a glorious weekend!
Sunday morning breakfast is whole other tradition, and one that Noah particularly likes. I didn't take any pics but it involves "resurrection biscuits" and a church service from the book "Christ in Easter: A Family Celebration of Holy Week". No, we don't get to church on Easter, but that is a post for some other time, some day, when I know why...
Next time we see each other you'll have to tell me about "resurrection biscuits" and about your Easter morning book for a church service - I think these could work for our family!