Saturday, January 17, 2009

How old IS Grown-Up?

Surprised Emmy today with an early birthday present... a trip to the beauty salon and then off to get her ears pierced!



And The Big Reveal:

okay... so maybe I got a little too close, but I think it's cause I just wanted to try to hug her back to about 3 1/2 again. She asked me at what age she'll become a "grown-up" because she is thinking 10. I said "35 if you are lucky". After we did a little window shopping we bought a box of Auntie Annie cinnamon sugar pretzel sticks and headed home to show the boys her new look. A fun morning had we! But I want to know where my baby girl went???!!!!

1 comment:

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Where did "baby Emily" go!? NO!! I really like her new hair cut...I'm proud of her for getting her ears pierced...Mommy had told hold my hand and talk to me the whole time to keep me from passing out...and I er...was for sharing the pictures of Emily's big day. I'm going to go look at her baby pictures now...
