Okay, okay, enough already. Geesh! That Keith has been hogging up my blog for over a week.
You'll have to forgive me. This whole back to school routine has been a little difficult for me. Too much structure!
Yes, they did go back to school. A week ago today as a matter of fact.
Look at Emmy trying to conceal her yawn... I'm still yawning...
Don't turn back, I know you'll miss me. Really, it's okay, go. Go off to school. Away from your mama for 7 hours a day. I know it will be tough for you little ones. Don't worry, I'll be home awaiting your return. CLEANING UP THE MESSES OF SUMMER!
Alright. You could have at least waved.
how funny (about waving)....I drop off Collin at K and don't even get a kiss bye-bye--(it's sad!)