I had to take yesterday "off" to recover from a VERY busy weekend. It was kicked off with a "Decade Date" with my sister, Annie. The 30 year old, and the 40 year old, went shopping and then out to dinner. We went to a Cuban place for something different. The ambiance was really nice... we ate out on the wrap-around porch and listened to a live band....
Please note that neither Annie or I brought our cameras!! So these pictures were taken with her phone!

And the food...okay.
We shared some kind of stuffed plantain thingy. That was good.

And I got the Chilian Sea Bass - which I sent back to be cooked....

For dessert we both had the Caramel Flan. It was pretty, and sweet.

And we both had brought our own birthday girl glasses, as any proper decade girl should - (it's true, I read it in Teen Beat Magazine) so we had fun.

Then on Saturday!!!!!!! Well, Saturday was the highlight of our weekend. On Saturday, we picked up our friend, Tamara, at the bus station to spend the weekend with us. She and a friend flew to NYC for a week, and then took a bus to spend their last 2 days with us before flying back to Switzerland on Sunday night. It had been exactly 1 year since we had seen her, and I have to say there were some very happy children in the Turner family on Saturday!

We spent the day on the beach, and the evening on the boardwalk. If you ever want to find us in Ocean City, you should always check here first....

Be still this girl's mother's heart. She is finally tall enough - and brave enough...

For what, you ask?

I can't even see her piggy toes anymore - she's up there like 18 stories and they are going to drop her now! And wait, my boy is on there, too. And I can't even see him because he's on the other side!!

Forget eating healthy - get this mother a funnel cake - now!
Whatever happened to the nice, simple rides? The ones with epileptic horses?

Hey! That's my funnel cake!
Okay, that's enough excitement for one post. I'll tell you all about Sunday later. I'm off to find a funnel cake...
Oh it looks like you had so much fun with...ME...hehe! It has been a while since we've been on a date together--it was very nice.