things I’m thankful for today…
the health of my family, the laughter of my children, the patience of my husband, the sound of the ocean, the dark chocolate in my pantry, the honesty and loyalty of my dear girlfriends, nutella, leftovers, Beth Moore's blog, my ice cream maker, the new Papercrafts Gourmet book, my camera, the bills that are paid, hearing from old friends, my sister's new home only 5 minutes away, the newness of my calendar, my playlist, the flannel sheets on my bed, fondue, my new sneakers, my laptop,, the recipe books cluttering my countertop, the name "Mom", recalling a Bible verse, goodnight kisses, Noah's ability to see rubber chickens in the clouds, my dad's hand whistle, playing the piano, remembering some Italian, Emily's toothless grin, mom and dad's beach house, a basketful of Christmas cards, figs and goat cheese, facials, "play-dates" with friends, plans to travel, finished scrapbooks, having a creative outlet, God's sovereignty,
And you. Thanks for checking in!
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